Join our network and grow with us

A network of multidisciplinary law firms, In Extenso Avocats acts as a driving force and coordination between the In Extenso Group and member law firms. Our national organization wants to be simple and flexible in the form of an association Loi 1901.

Areas of Network Action

  • Reflection on the legal professions and the service offerings to be developed, in collaboration with the other experts of the group
  • Brand Promotion In Extenso Avocats
  • Support in the structuring of firms (reporting, tools…)
  • Network Expansion Management

The partners, if they are to be part of the dynamics driven by the network and the In Extenso group, are autonomous in the management and operational management of their firm.

les domaines d'action du réseau in extenso avocats

Why join?

…because the law profession is changing.

This environment calls for a paradigm shift: the law firm, like a majority of intellectual professions, must commit to a business operation, with its various value creation levers.

Moreover, in an increasingly connected society, lawyers, liberal professionals in the broad sense, may experience a sense of isolation in the practice of their trade and have the desire to expand their perspectives and work as a team.

Comment devenir associé avocat

Some Findings

  • Due to the obsolescence of the traditional “flat” law firm model, some firms experience a loss of competitiveness that can be detrimental
  • It is becoming necessary and even vital for firms to develop multidisciplinarity, particularly as a result of increased competition and changes in the boundaries of the law
  • The management of the firm, both administrative and social issues and the problem of profitability of files, is becoming increasingly time-consuming
  • Finding, attracting and retaining talent is becoming increasingly difficult

New parameters to integrate

  • New customer behaviors Versatility, requirement, desire for transparency, looking for a price/quality ratio
  • New competitors with disruptive practices
    Legaltechs, lawyers associated with other professions, independent lawyers who «break» prices
  • A digital organization
    Technologies for production, tools for support
  • Attracting and retaining talent Money is no longer enough

… to benefit from support and structure your firm as a company

An essential prerequisite for joining the In Extenso Avocats network, the firm’s structuring approach as a business is fundamental to increasing value creation and financial performance. 

Our network and the associated support functions of the In Extenso group provide advice, methods and tools to assist the member firm in this structuring process.

Avocat entreprise business

… to benefit from the resources and services that accompany the structuring of a practice

  • Marketing and Communications
    • build and launch service offerings
    • Local and National Communications Strategy
    • Press Relations
    • Event Planning
    • emailing tool, graphic charter, signage, templates
  • Technical Documentation
    • Access to legal information databases in social, tax and corporate law
  • Human Resources (agreements and preferential contracts negotiated by In Extenso)
  • Computer System and Software
    • Unlimited subscription and internet connection hardware, email addresses and storage capacity
    • Microsoft office 365 license
les avantages pour devenir membre du reseau in extenso avocats

… to benefit from the influence of a nationally recognized brand

  • In extenso is one of the French leaders in accounting and business consulting, communities and social and solidarity economy players
  • The strength of the group allows to highlight member firms through its major actions at the national and regional level
  • In 2022, In Extenso adopted a concrete raison d’être representative of its approach: ” Actor in the development of companies, the dynamism of territories and the accomplishment of each
  • As an active member of the Global ETL Network, In Extenso enables member firms to benefit from partnerships with nearly 15,000 professionals in more than 50 countries worldwide.
In Extenso, une marque de renommée nationale

… to integrate an interprofessional network of more than 230 associates supporting nearly 120,000 customers every day

This allows member firms to:

  • Build business contribution links at local, regional and national level
  • Have access to targeted communities of professionals to co-construct service offerings, co-write articles or co-organize events


Réseau interprofessionnel de cabinets d'avocats

Belonging to In Extenso strengthens the image of the professional and the quality of the signature for the customer. This opens up new avenues for independent counsel to access.

In Extenso Avocats rassemble autour de valeurs communes des experts en conseil juridique qui aident les entreprises (TPE, PME, ETI et grands groupes), les associations, les fondations, les professions libérales, les collectivités publiques et plus largement tous les décideurs, à sécuriser, piloter et optimiser leur activité. Nos avocats interviennent également en cas de contentieux pour assurer la défense des intérêts de leurs clients auprès des tribunaux et juridictions concernées. Filiale conseil du groupe In Extenso, leader français de l’expertise-comptable pour les TPE et les PME, In Extenso Avocats est un réseau de cabinets d’avocats d’affaires interprofessionnel alliant les professionnels du droit et les professionnels du chiffre pour un accompagnement à 360° des entreprises et des particuliers.

Pluridisciplinaire, In Extenso Avocats aide ses clients, tous secteurs d’activité confondus dans de multiples domaines de droit tels que le droit des affaires, le droit commercial, le droit fiscal, le droit du travail et de la protection sociale, le droit immobilier et de la construction, le droit de l’urbanisme et de l’aménagement du territoire, le droit de l’environnement, le droit public, le droit de la propriété intellectuelle incluant une expertise certifiée en RGPD, le droit de la famille et du patrimoine et le droit international. Nos avocats sont également reconnus comme experts de secteurs d’activité spécifiques tels que l’hôtellerie, la restauration, le tourisme ou le sport.

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