Law firm in Hyères

The law firm of Hyères has 17 lawyers and legal professionals who are also involved in the firm of Toulon, throughout the PACA region and on the national territory.

Reporting to Toulon Law Firm and led by Gaëlle Rolland de Rengervé for over 20 years, the firm supports its clients on all their legal issues, whether in real estate law, private law, public law (procurement and public contracts, general administrative law, electoral law, public service), commercial law, corporate law, intellectual property law, tax law or environmental law.

A specificity: the wine sector

Passionate about the world of wine and its various stakeholders, Gaëlle Rolland de Rengervé holds the Wine, Culture and Tourism degree from the University of Dijon. This expertise allows it to support professionals in the wine sector as closely as possible to their activity. She works in particular in the field of counterfeits, legal protection of namess and support in the obtaining the AOC quality label (assistance in the development of specifications).

9, avenue du Maréchal Lyautey 83400 Hyères-les-Palmiers

By appointment only

Tél. +33 (0)4 94 01 50 80


The figures of the firm

2015 year of foundation
98% satisfied
17 legal
650 clients


We support our clients in multiple areas of law

Support our customers at 36°0 thanks to the complementarity of the business lines present within the In Extenso group: the figure, the law and the consulting expertise (wealth management, mergers and acquisitions consulting, tourism and hospitality consulting, business creation, financing consulting, study and innovation management consulting).


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More about our network


In Extenso Avocats brings together legal advice experts around common values who help companies (VSE, SME, ETI and large groups), associations, foundations, liberal professions, public authorities and more broadly all decision makers, to secure, manage and optimize their activity. Our lawyers also intervene in litigation to ensure the defense of the interests of their clients before the courts and jurisdictions concerned. Consulting subsidiary of the In Extenso group, French leader in accounting for small businesses and SMEs, In Extenso Avocats is a network of interprofessional business law firms combining legal professionals and professionals of the figure for a 360° support of companies and individuals.

Multidisciplinary, In Extenso Avocats helps its clients, all sectors of activity combined in multiple areas of law such as business law, commercial law, tax law, labour law and social protection, real estate and construction law, urban planning and regional planning law, environmental law, public law, intellectual property law including certified expertise in GDPR, family and heritage law and international law. Our lawyers are also recognized as experts in specific sectors of activity such as hospitality, catering, tourism or sports.

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