Urban planning and regional planning law

Aware of the economic, social or environmental issues surrounding urban planning issues and the high rate of litigation in this area, our lawyers specializing in urban planning law & regional planning provide their customers, whether they are public or private actors, with their expertise rich in their experience.

Comprehensive legal support in urban planning and regional planning law

Our lawyers intervene alongside public actors in the monitoring and decision-making support on all issues related to regional planning operations.

The development of planning documents (Local Planning Plan, Local Intercommunal Urban Planning Plan, territorial coherence scheme…), the advice on operational planning (subdivisions, development operations), including consulting and monitoring complex operations such as port facilities, commercial facilities, Concerted Development Areas (Z.A.C), the Fire Risk Prevention Plans (P.P.R.I), or the Flood Risk Prevention Plans (P.P.R.N.I), our lawyers provide their clients with their experience of these complex issues.


The lawyers
in urban planning law

Serving the defence of private actors

Our lawyers specialized in urban planning law also support private actors in their urban planning processes, bringing their qualifications to the assembly of applications for authorization to build (prior declaration of works, building permit, development permit…) and by defending, where necessary, the decision granted, or by denouncing a refused authorization.

Droit de l'urbanisme - permis de construire

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